Tuesday, October 23, 2007

37 on Thurs

Boy where does the time go?

Got some really cool photoshop brushes from the masterful Tom Scholes. Check out his magic.

Just wanted to shoot out a big thanks to those who lent me their support. Im grateful for the kindness of people, and glad that every once in a while I get to share more of who I am with people and that I am truly blessed. So with that a "pre birthday" dump, or a gift so to say. To remeber to always keep on keepin on.

The video I embeded for those who havent seen it is a lecture by Randy Pausch " his last lecture ". A moving and inspirational lesson and it put alot of things in perspective for me..so I pass it on.


rusty said...

this post made me speachless...the drawings are great, that video was moving and well i guess i just really wanna thank you for posting all this.

btw-happy birthday and i noticed your new avatar, does this mean your a TF2 fan?

Jason Newkirk said...

touching video...that guy knows what it's all about.

great post Melman!
Happy b-day yo!

Jason Newkirk said...

drawings are great too as always btw. :D

Andy Latham said...

Great post Mel, I love the mammoth-like creature at the end.

Unknown said...

Mel, quality stuff again and again. Those b/w characters are really awesome. Happy birthday!

Keath said...

Fabulous as always - the wolfman is my fav.

Happy Birthday, one day early!

Juampa said...

Mel you´re Great!! Thanks a lot for sharing and just for being like you are.

Congratullations for your art Dude!! is simply amazing.

Dillon Thompson said...

You are a tigger. Thanks for the video.

Anonymous said...

excellent mel!
the silhouettes especially.

Anonymous said...

man i love your sketches, the frankenstein and the siloute page are amazing, you rock mel! very inspirational!

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone!

Yeah Rusty TF2 whoot!!

Dustin Foust said...

Thats a great video. I live in Pittsburgh and I've heard nothing but good things about that dude. A few people that I know actually went to the original lecture at Carnegie Melon. I think you can find it in pieces on YouTube. Great work as always Mel, Happy Birthday and thanks for the Link In!

Ken said...

Happy birthday in advance Mel!

Great vid, cheers for sharing.

and i love all the drawings. esp the last one, its stunning.

Marcelo Vignali said...

Great page of posts! I like those black and white characters.

Andy Conroy said...

Happy Birthday MEL MILTON!!

Great post too! that a good vid, some real pearls! And these drawings! RIdiculas!

13toon's said...

nice work man, i really like those black and white characters and i really like the speed painting at the end. well bye 4 now

RoB said...

I love your blog dude! First, Great drawings!~

2nd, awesome video, it was so moving and so inspirational!~

Last but not least, HAPPY B-DAY DUDE!!! :)


Marco Bucci said...

Mel this stuff is just awesome. And happy birthday, man! Keep on bloggin! Never too old for that!

A. Riabovitchev said...

You have great blog!
Those black and white characters my favorite.
Thanks for your comment on my blog.:o)

Nathan Lindsay said...

great great drawings Mister Mel.

Richard Oud said...

Happy Birthday Mel! The update is amazing.. the silhouettes are the best sir!

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Man your just too good loving it all bro an sorry once again for your lost G can't even begin to think how strong you have to be man stay as fresh an as kool as you are we'll talk again soon thanks for the support !!!


Anonymous said...

Lovin the Franky, very snazzy and thanks for the vid, very powerful


max said...

Happy Birthday Mel.
I've been coming to your blog for a while and never left a comment. That's a good opportunity to say that I love your stuff.

S.T. Lewis said...

These are cool, Mel... the video and the drawings. You're the man.

Unknown said...

AMAZING and beautiful!! Love your new avator too!! :)

Sam Nielson said...

Great designs, fun to look at.

Ken said...

dude, I just had a second look at your drawings and i think they deserve a second comment!

I didnt study those silohetted ones much last time, but they are awesome. I love the poses, and the style is so visually strong. very effective

tom said...

Trying some new style on those silhouettes?

Kevin Keele said...

Mel, as always, your stuff is incredible.

milo said...

Awesome post bro!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY too old man! lol :OP Hope it a good 1 :OP

backgammon said...

I think we all must learn a couple of things of the man on that video.

Happy Bithday,man!!

P.D: Black & white character designs on that post really fascinate me.

bog_art said...

Amazing work!!.. The last post is just Amzing!!.. and your "Frank" is awesome!!.. great post!!..

bog_art said...

I didn't have the time to see the video before.. thanks for sharing it..

Kyle Marshall said...

Mel, you have outcdone yourself on these, love the silhoutte sketches....MEL ROCKS

Jörn said...

Especially the black/white ones are outstanding. Interesting style. And so much dynamic in all

Dave Dick said...

Wow thanks for sharing! These drawings are top notch as well!

papercut assassin said...

My favorite part of that lecture was when he said "experience is what you get when you don't get what you want." Thanks for the video Mel,top notch sketches as well.

jkg hjghjgkg said...

Haha Frankesteins are great!! I love the guy in blue too, he looks like a spider.
Amazing vidéo too, great lesson of life, thank!