Sunday, October 14, 2007

The 15th is the official day for pregnancy and infant loss rememberance.Theres not a day that goes by that I struggle with knowing my son should be here. Hard to swallow that my son would almost be 2 years old soon.Behind the smile that most people see on me, is a pain that I wish I did not know.This time of the year has always been a depressing time but even more so now. I wake up every morning hopin that my son will be proud of what I am doin. This post is for my wife and all of those who have lost a child and for those of you who support them. Thank you all for your kindness.


Richard Oud said...

I'm sure your son is proud of you Mel.. Hope you and your wife find the strength to keep going on with every day life!

Best wishes..

Oh yeah, the update is amazing sir.. love the monster, and the lady ghost!

Andy Latham said...

I'm so sorry about your son Mel. I don't think you have to worry about him being proud of you and what you do. I think there's no doubt there.

Great drawings too, such a variation!

Hope you're feeling okay at this difficult time Mel, take care.

DINTOONS said...

thanks for remembering our lost little ones... and for reminding us to make an offering of light... that candle sure will burn for them precious ones who are in heaven watching over us...

thanks also for sharing these wonderful drawings and sketches, mel!! a joy to behold as always!! :o)
do take care my friend

Francho said...

I´m so sorry about your english is not good enough to express what I feel reading your post.
Keep drawing this way, just like an angel would draw, because I´m sure your son can see all your amazing stuff.

Dave Dick said...

There's nothing NOT to be proud of, Mel :)

Great work here, as always!

Shawn Escott said...

My heart is with you brother. I don't know what it must feel like to go through what you are going through. But I can imagine. Your love for your son is strong and I'm certain he is proud of his daddy. Trust in Jesus, you'll see your son again Mel. And what a glorious day that will be. :) If you ever need to chat my email is always open...

Anonymous said...

Mel you are the king of intrswebs cartoonists. Your skills are legendary.

YesLand said...

I'm sorry Mel. I'm sure you try your best. He would be proud, for sure.

S.T. Lewis said...

I love that you still smile, Mel... even though it can't be easy a lot of the time. You're an inspiration to me in many ways.

Great sketches, like always. I love the guy running away from the red monsters. So much life and goodness in your drawings.

You're a great man and a great artist, Mel... I'm happy to know you.

Anonymous said...

excellent work

stay strong Mel.

Andrew said...

ANYONE would be proud of what you're doing! Consistently mind-blowing work.

I'm sorry for your loss. My mom lost my younger brother during pregnancy several years ago, so I know it's a very hard thing for a family.

Clive said...

I missed the 15th, but I expect a lot of candles burned around the world. Hope you and your wife and family continue to deal with your loss managably. On a less melancholy note, great to be back browsing again after so many much to look at here and elsewhere. Your posts are become more exceptional and have even more, if that's possible, of the look of a very comfortable and experienced hand in the anim. industry. You're obviously working hard! Best, C.

milo said...

Love you bro!

Anonymous said...

dude, i never knew im sorry to hear that. well im sure your son is proud of you becuase you are one of a kind. you and your art are both strong!

Juampa said...

I´m so sorry Mel. I´m also sure that your son is proud of you whatever he is.
Be sure that my candel will burn. Please, try to cheer up and keep working as you do, it means a lot for us.

I wish all the best for you and for your family, my friend, in this painfully days.

Anonymous said...

I think he's not only proud of you but bragging about you. Much love to you my friend.

Great update as well, loving the red guy.


Ken said...

So sorry for your loss.

No doubt your son is proud of you, you are an inspiration and not only your amazing artwork.

and these drawings rock dude. Everyone of them.

But I knew that before i visited your blog!

Nathan Lindsay said...

you da man.

Adrian Lubbers said...

Words can not exprees my heart felt sympathy for you Mel.
Keep in mind that all of us are proud of you so I'm positive he would be as well.

Stay Strong!!

Dan said...

I'm very sorry for your loss Mel, I'm positive that you can take a little solace in the fact that you son would have indeed been proud. Keep pushing on man, your an inspiration.

Todd Harris said...

sorry for your loss. you do him proud. great drawings.


great art, and a fine sentiment. I am sorry for your loss and am happy that your rocking the blog with some positively inspiring art.


geenpool said...

these drawin's completly rock. Your son is most definatly proud of you..hell, my mom's son is proud of you. Really, REALLY nice stuff.

bog_art said...

Sorry for your loss.. I am 100% sure that he is proud of you.. and I know he loves your art too..

jkg hjghjgkg said...

Sorry about your son Mel, of course he is proud of you, no doubt.
Your drawings are awesome, like usual. Love the sketches with the blue color.
Be strong you and your wife.

Dustin Foust said...

I can't even pretend to know how you are feeling. You inspire so many of us, your son must be very proud. Thank you Mel.

Best Wishes

Carlos Fins said...

Your son is more than proud of you, Mel.. you're his Hero. You're a hero to a lot of people, including me. What your doing is amazing and it takes more of a man than I've ever known to keep chugging along. Thanks for keeping this blog up and inspiring so many to pick up a pencil and draw. :)


Luiz Henrique Rodrigues said...

He´s sure proud of you. don´t worry
About your drawings, it´s getting better and better
Take care

backgammon said...

I´m so sorry,Mel. I wish you find the courage to overcome it. Get along

Blogerts said...

What a heart-melting picture of your son. I'm sorry that you have to go through that.

I'm impressed with you, as usual.

RoB said...

Hey Mel,

I am sorry about your son Mel, my thoughts and prayers go to you and your family.

Your a great person and father for posting this up and sharing your emotions and thoughts. I am positive and your son is looking down at you now with grace and joy on your accomplishments and talent. You are a true gentleman and an amazing artist!

Great sketches as always dude!


Andy C. said...

I'm sorry about your loss, Mel.

dobby said...

Hi are you buddy?? everyone will lost someone, no matter who he is. i lost my father four month ago.
i'm happy to enjoy your works again, as usually amazed me...

bala said...

i admire ur sketchings mel...u r such gr8 artist..n my prayers for ur son..