Friday, September 04, 2009

DailySketch -- Day 35

Gettin it outta the way so I can hang out with the wifey. Happy Friday to ya! Do fun things

Do or do not. There is no try. --Yoda


Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Mel, I saw this guy last night when let the cat out. I knew cat was acting kind of strange he he hee! This guy is a beaut! I LOVE HE!!!! You have such an imagination and it's off the chain fantastic. thanks for stopping by!

get zapped said...

What a fun piece, but I wouldn't want to be in his way! Enjoy!

vonholdt said...

As always mel, a really cool original! I love the feet and the teeth the best.

Edward Ernest said...

Great daily.I've updated my blog as well. Take a look and tell me what you think.

Ken Chandler said...

I'm shaken, not stirred, by the amazing stuff you can do with a pencil, stylus, etc. Glad you're posting so much cool stuff too. I need to get off my bunsen burner and get busy, like you've been doing. Thanks for the inspiration.

Margaret Alison said...
