Monday cometh.....
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
--Dale Carnegie
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
--Dale Carnegie
man you are great insperation. i have looked at all 51 post every time you upleload one. thing i have noticed the most is that your quality is improveing. before they were very syimple but now they art a bit more detailed more going on; what ever it may be you got it man. keap it up. im also happy you decided to go past the 30 days because now i have something to look fowered to eveyday, thank you dude and keap it up.
I dig this one man. I like that I "feel" something when looking at your drawings. Looking at this guy, I literally got the feeling of "man, that Monkey is screwed!"
Keep on going man!
You never fail to surprise me with your artwork.I really love your work.very inspiring.I'd love to learn how do you come across creating a great art like yours. If you have a chance ,please check it out and leave a comment telling me what you think.
Keep 'em coming man. Keep 'em coming!!
Love your critter, though I fear your astronaut guy doesn't share my affinity. Love the dynamic perspective.
Sorry I dropped the ball on the whole posting thing, though I'm glad to see you're still going strong. I'll try to follow your most excellent example and post again soon.
awesome work!!
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