Thursday, September 24, 2009

DailySketch -- Day 55

"That's not a knife..."
I think I have about 5 more days left in me before I move on to gettin other stuff on this blog. An even two months isnt too shabby for me.

The future depends on what we do in the present. - Mahatma Gandhi


Pablo said...

Very cool character design. Lut it.

Dennis Cornetta said...

...I see you've played knifey-spoony before.

ian said...

fantastic series! And congratulations for sticking with it.

You have a wonderful style and clearly strong discipline.

Great Job


aintshakespeare said...

Well, you are doing fabulously so far. This has turned into a daily retreat for me!

Trent Correy said...

The next five days better be kickass then!! Great run, wat's animation every week???

Samax said...


Pointpusher said...

For me, one of the ways I "see" an illustration is by asking myself if I would want to sculpt it. As soon as I saw this dude, I thought about it as a Maquette. You = the man.