Thursday, November 10, 2011

Something to ponder....

Ive always been a firm believer that if you truly care about yourself you can accomplish anything. For example I was a smoker for almost 18 years. Ive been off those things for about 10. Havent had a craving for them at all. I care about myself enough to stay off them.

Now food...there's something Ive been battling with lately. I'll be good from time to time but bad eating habits come back when Im feelin at my lowest. Funny how I kicked the smoking and other nastys but havent quite gotten this one right.

I came across this article and it seemed to have opened a bit of stuff that I felt I was missing.
Figured Id share it here because as an artist / parent, I beat myself up waaaaaay too much and Im sure theres plenty of you out there that do this too. So give it a read.

Tossed in a Snotrod anim I did for Cars 2 game and some pics. Keep on keepin on!


Unknown said...

Wow... Thanks for the article, man...
I'm really glad I'm reading your blog. This is the second time you've given me a (huge) boost with my creative process.

I owe you.

Aaron Ludwig said...

Thanks for the read, Mel!
Way to go with the 10 years off smoking!

g1toons said...

man you have been busy on your blog, theses designs look great

Will Terry said...

Getting rid of vices....(while sipping a coke)...yeah - I need to...glad to hear you were able to kick the cig dogs....btw - Is that Rodney up there? If not it sure looks like him. :)