First image I inked with pens that I never use. T'was fun.Did some cartoon concepts and a head shot for a project called Cryptid. Mainly for fun. Also added some practice sketches ( the girls ones... I googled comic images and doodled em so not mine, just practice). Will get more up soon!
Edit: Quick Ink tonite from a sketch I did at work:

Oh yeah, sounds like you'll be back on Monday! : ) Awesome Mel, quarter 3 is really good, and you're gonna love it! You're not in Kansas anymore. ; ) (Um, yeah, i have no idea why i just said that, i guess i thought that my message was lacking a little cheese, you know from the the cheesy/corny category, lol!) ; ) i'm lookin' forward to seeing the Mel workspace with a back in business sign up come Monday morning. Glad you're gettin' back in the saddle bud. Kick some ass!
Man Seems I don't see u much anymore that kool sorry for not droppin by sooner great work mind blowing stuff take care!!!
Nice sketches. I love the girl on top of the last page.
Right on.
The furry monster barin' his teeth ROCKS! I love the versatility you always manage to display! good luck with the return to Animation Mentor, hope it goes well for you!
sweet stuff man, best to you in the mentorship, i'd love to do that someday. i especailly like the middle pic with the 'guillotine' pistol
Wow! didn't think you'd post for awhile. Awesome shiznit! You make me sick...heeheehee Post again when you get a chance.
Hey Mel,
Looks awesome! For how long have you been on Animation Mentor? How's it working for you and what software are you using?
Hey Hans!
Ive done two terms with Animation Mentor. Took a break this last term so Im on the third term ( outta 6 in all ). I use maya for school and we use both max and maya at my job. I love animation mentor and would recommend it to anyone.The students and staff are amazing. Great price for a load of learnin. Id also recommend the keith lango tutorials (also very amazing for the price.) I hope one day that I dont get as anxious about animating cause its loads of fun.
Thanks all for the wonderful comments everyone. means alot to me...
Man! Your stuff is so detailed and precise! Your stuff rocks!
WOW!! Another set of amazing drawings!! Love the characters, great variety and AWESOME as always!
Cool drawings Mel. I love the top one.
Ha, keep using those pens. I can tell you like using them.
Wow man! you always make me feel lazy! Another huge post of great work.I really like that second guy, these are all great, but that second guy is really appealing to me!!
Hey man! Congratulations for your baby! I´ve awesome stuff here! Loved the animated style! Keep posting!
Hey Mel, great to hear you coming back, I always really liked your work. Looking forward to being in class 3 with you. Hope we can all live up to your old classmates :D
- Kate
Hi Mel,
What a wonderful clen up. Fine Line! The third drawing is mighty! One of my favourites! Great post! Just Great Blog!
"just do the work"
thanks for the inspiration!
Beautiful work Mel! Best with the upcoming class, I have a buddy whose taking it too, and he loves it! Keep us all posted on how things are going.
Amazing works, Mel!
I have neglected visiting your blog for some time, and what a great suprise on return!
Absolutely smashing, kicks ass job.
Love that top one... good luck with AM!
Mel, my brother from another mother! Great to hear you are heading back to AM. You are a crazy talented dude and the sky's the limit for ya. It's guys like you that help make AM that much more special.
I will be hitting your blog even more often now, waiting to see your work. Kick some butt!!
Great characters and nice inking buddy!
Oh wow, these are terrific. I'm studying the inked pieces closely in the hopes of getting a few tips on inking! I need 'em! :) Great job!
(And the expression on 3-27cryptidMonster.jpg is tooooo scary!)
Inspiring stuff--as always.
Great characters with personality! Love the line work! Good luck at school!!
solid stuff!
Keep drawing...for everyone's sake. Keep drawing. God has definitely blessed you.
awww, you made me link.
really excellent stuff you have all the time!!
man, i had to look at these again!great,great stuff...
Nice inking skills Mel!!! Great drawings!
HEY!! Is that a new banner?! VERY COOOOOL!!
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