So any ways... I have no music, no nuthing so I can hear the door. I know silly. But its my laptop.Wanna fight?
Did some art while waiting ( cant even watch my school assignment for fear I will miss my laptop ) So I did some pose study from an old WB cartoon. (3 bears and bugs for those who dont recognize ) some hand poses and a monster head. Fun. I should be focusing on other animation. Im so on it when my laptop gets here.
What? Its a really nice laptop...
Edit: I thought UPS sucked..will never give any of my business to DHL..ever. But the laptop is here and I feel better now. Heres a celebratory seamonster and a pic of my long awaited for machine

Yeah baby I'm first to bust this love the work bro your taking it to the next level love that and thanks for all the support always glad to hear from u bro hope all has been well take care!!!
that's some nice sketches. your stuff is always so great. did you buy a new laptop? i couldn't live without mine. well, i couldn't live happily i guess...
Sup? I am DIGGIN' those hands. Way expressive. Ahhh, I remember them bears. Always good for a chuckle. Good work and hope all is well with you.
thanks guys! Much appreciated.
wintermonkey--No not a new one. Got it last year when I started skool. Will post pics cause I missed it so much. Heeheh
very nice mel! love those bears, hope your laptop came....
Hello man! That´s so great drawings. I remember those bears... they´re from Woodpeckers´ series. Wasn´t they?
I love the last monster face... the eyes looks like that cartoon slot moviment. Congratulations.
Mel--Sorry about the laptop..I know how much i depend on my computer these days, so i feel your pain... But these posts are GREAT! I love that first one, and the poses of the bears are awesome,you can do it all..Awesome work.
Still makin me sick!! Great stuff dude! Sweet puter! Post more when you get a chance...I'm always waiting for posts!:O)
Laptops...I'm still shovelling coal into an ancient desktop. Lovely new work down below Mel.
Hey Mel,
Great stuff! I'm impressed by your variation of styles. Most people only excell in one genre. Like being really good at drawing creatures, but suck at doing toony, but you seem to manage it all and very well too:)
So glad you got your laptop back:D it IS really nice!
Take care,
warner bros cartoons are awsome, I really like the dover boys,
WOW!! Another amazing set of illustrations!! Your workstation ROCKS!
Yo man! I really dig the sea monster thing. Gosh I can't belive you have an excuse for not working and you go and work some more. Guesthats what one needs to get as good.
Wow, love your drawings
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