Monday, June 05, 2006

Anxiety Sucks...

Which is nothing new to me. Feel so overwhelmed all the time. Gonna post some pics of the couple o times the wife and I went hikin. Something completely different for us.

Work has been so fun, but very taxing. With learnin at school and work it makes for some really nice head aches.

My boss has loads of great artist books at work. Which I happily thumb through when I get the chance. So today's doodles are works from Frank Frazetta, Carlos Huante, Scott Campbell, Michael Turner and Joe Chiodo. The one color was mine which made me realize how much I miss actually coloring something. Would love to find the time to do some color stuff but will have to be content with a splash tonite. Will upload my skool assignment soon as well.

Edit: Mutant Bug.

Edit: Got some painter time in tonite. From an earlier round of sketches:



milo said...

Awesome work again! You never fail to amaze me! Keep up the hard know someday it'll all pay off! Post again when you get a chance.

Antonio Santamaria said...

Fantastic. you are always generous posting three or four pages at time. All of them full of wonderful drawings!!! In this case, I like a lot the girls of the third... it reminds me the Scott Camplbell's girls... And the fourth page is also magnificent. You have a great pencil! Saludos!

Unknown said...

Hey Antonio,
thanks for noticing! I totally fogrot to say I used Scott Campbell's stuff as ref too. Thought i did. Thanks for the kind words

Martin Wittig said...

Awesome! I love the color work too:)

Laura Conde said...

awsome color work, you do that with pastels? or is that photoshop?

Alexiev said...

I love your work...

Muy bueno... que buen manejo del lapiz y del color... felicitaciones...

Best regards desde Buenos Aires...

LidMayn said...

fresh style, i really dig your stuff. i see u were lookin at huante, one of my favorite artist. keep doing what u do.

Shawn Escott said...

Nice sketches and colors!!! Thanks for the link too!

Unknown said...

THese are beautiful!! YOur drawings is always so perfect! Masterful draftmanship indeed!

Hans said...

Wow, great sketches Mel! Those girls, second from the bottom....whew! Really nice rendering too!


Jason C said...

Yeah you totally captured the J Scott Campbellnes in those.. great work..

Dave James said...

Great stuff Mel. Keep up the GREAT work!


Darryl Young said...

Amazing work Mel, fantastic!

Ryan Bullard said...

Hey these are nice, those painter sketches are great.