Edit:Girl hed sketches

Edit:Even mo sketches

Edit:Doodles from werk:

Today I woke up not wanting to wake up...Today hit really hard for me this morning. Fathers day..and 6 months ago today my wife and I bid our son, Mekhi, the final good bye. It was supposed to be different..

Anne took me to see Pixar's Cars this morn. Before I left for the theater,I felt that I didnt want to enjoy this movie because I was angry. That my son was supposed to be there with us enjoyin Dad's nerdism.
Im glad I went. It was a reminder to me on why I wanted to be an artist and why I wanted to learn to animate. I know Mekhi was in the theater with us, because I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would, like he was there.... It reminded me what I felt when I watched any really good animated movie..that inner child that I wanted to pass on to him. That inner child my wonderful wife nutures and cares for.
Thank you son for being with us today and everyday. Thanks commmunity of artist, peers, friends and family who have helped me continue to push forward. And thank you Anne for being my heaven on earth...
Heres where I am with my dialogue assignment ( Click on the the pic ).

Happy Fathers day Mel. Thats what being an artist is all about. He was with you in that theater and he's with with you all the time. Have a wonderful time knowing that.
Your son is always with you...remember that. Sorry father's day was so hard on you. Glad to see you post. Man!! That assignment looks like it's a rough one. Great job......I'm still comin after you!! heehee Love ya bro!
Your son will always be with you in your heart and memories ... Very awesome animals creature drawings!! Nice animation too. Have a good week, take care.
Nice work as always Mel.
awesome doodles....I don't know how u do it.Keep up the great work bro!
Nice doodle mate! keep 'em comin'
Hi Mel, I understand how you feel. Father's day is still kind of rough for me too and my dad passed away years ago. Wasn't cars a cool flick though? I loved the message and how honest and sincere it felt. Can't get much better than that. Great drawings as usual and I checked out your 2d and 3d animation too and it looked really nice. It takes some time to get use to tracking volumes but with your drawing abilities, wow, you'll be one heck of a 2d and 3d animator!
FRICK MAN!!!! Thanks for adding my link!!!
ive stopped by every once in a while when im pissed off at my own work and need inspiration hahaha
are you at avalanch with sam and joe??
thanks again
yup joe and sam are insanely good with character design!!!
so where are you working then???
ive noticed that youve been doing alot of little animations, is that your ultimate goal?? or do you like the design side of things???
I loved the interesting "dino creatures" - you're really good at that. Bookmarking you now!
I also enjoyed drawer geeks, but thought it was too ...what's the word?...there're just pictures but no story. Where's fun in that? They are too geeky...too boring...Why don't we form something new here? I was recently robbed and they brought me to the police to identify the offender. Needless to say, the artist in me has left the building, because of 8 people I was not able to recognize him. I just remembered that he was extremely short and they were ALL short. Why don't we create a "memory sketch" club, but let the sketch have a story(or at least a narration). Let me know what you think!
wow man, your drawings never fail to blow me away
ken :D
Ohh mel your mosnters have great texture to them... you really hit hom what one of those things would be like to touch.. as per ushually I love it when you update
Dude, sweet animal sketches. you have a great sense for animal/monster design. I especially love the top left horned horse demon thingy. it rocks. where do you work again?
Hey Mel,
Awesome creature designs! Can't wait to see the final animation, it looks good so far:) I'm glad you were able to enjoy "Cars", I can imagine it must've been a tough day to face. I went to see it on the opening day and I wanted to see it again right after! Those Pixar guys are really something! If I have to work hard and practice till I'm 75, I don't care, I just wanna work on something like that:)
Take care,
That glowy-eyed sabre-tooth cat rocks. The other animals are nice too.
That spikey Rhino thing is awesome. You got some good stuff.
Sweet sketches as usual Mel- keep rockin'- it's always a heavy dose of inspiration to see your new work!
Hey thanks for checking my blog. I really like those new girls you drew too, very cool. The two top ones I like a lot, the tatooing looks real cool on that one.
Father's day, Mel, painful, bittersweet, no doubt but it's good, very good, that you consider yourself still a father and Mekhi's still your lad. Best to you...Mo' and Mo' great drawings by the way!
love the animation mel, awesome acting. the drawings are purdy too. hey i'm done slackin on the blog, swing by, an' check out the new site. www.aquiferfilms.com
I am sincerely sorry for your loss Mel, I wish you peace and strenght.
Beautiful animal drawings.
Great work here! My favs are the animals. Wish they were real so I could ride them! Thanks for showing off your talent! Very inspiring o^_^o
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