Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th

Edit: Quickie sketch in painter.

Edit: Watched Sinbad Eye of the tiger( Ray Harryhausen stuff )Brought back some good memories. Doodled this for fun. Wasnt a cyclops in the movie.

Last year , while we were settin off fireworks for the nephews and nieces, the wife and I imagined what it would be like to set off fireworks for our son. This year we watch the fireworks from his plot... who woldve ever guessed..

Did a spidey and iron man.

Thanks a bunch for lookin and all the kind words.


Dan Elder said...

Awesome as ushual man. the legs on spidy arn't really working for me the pose is wicked though. but that iron man is freakin sweet... I love where you took that design... your make me jelous

S.T. Lewis said...

I love the gestures and colors... very nice work, as always.

Sorry about the loss of your son. I just read through that blog a few days ago. That sounds like about the hardest thing to have to deal with. The way you go on is inspiring, though. Keep it up.

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Sweet action poses great points of view on these!!!!

Angel said...

Great work! I love your monsters, btw.

milo said...

awesome work dude! I'm still comin for ya though...heehee Love ya bro!

bobby casumbal said...

yow-zaa! these are dope, mel! love the composition and pose on spidey!

Checkmark said...

Both are look'n awesome man, your stuff is always a sight to see.

the clownninja said...

nice, love the iron man, hang in there Mel.

Urban Barbarian said...

Great Spidey! Digging the movie background colors!

Shawn Escott said...

Cool sketches Mel! I like your super heros! Thanks for your kind comments.

Brian Growe said...

Hey, thanks for the nice comment on my blog, your stuff's really great too!

Dan Segarra said...

Quick sketch my butt... u know you spent days on that painting. ;P

Nothing short of awesome and inspiring Mel!

milo said...

I wish I could draw like you quick sketch! Awesome edit...happy to see you postin. Keep on keepin on!! heehee

Lael Henderson said...

ah painter...nice.

Hans said...

Great stuff as always Mel!
Couldn't help but noticing the the olde map of Denmark you used as BG for the awesome Venom Pirate! Where did you get that?
The Pirates, better known as Vikings of Denmark and Scandinavia was the fiercest of them all and roamed all over from about 700 to 1200 A.D. In 999, about 500 years before Columbus, they even made it to what they called Vinland (Wineland), which is today known as America. lol As you can probably hear I'm into Pirates.

Well, I'm off to see "Dead Mans Chest", have a great weekend:)


Unknown said...

These are AWESOME set of illos!! COOL actions awesome monsters! WOOOO HOOO!!