Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Nuther dump

Todays lunch drawing: Wonder Woman :

and old man:

some kid studies again :

Thanks all for lookin.


milo said...

Man ur crankin em out!! I can't hang with all that! How am I ever suppose to catch up with you? Great post!!

Ken Chandler said...

Amazing, as usual Mel! Really terrific shapes, expressions, etc. Always a treat to stop by your blog and check out the latest creations. I can learn a lot from guys like you. Please keep em comin'!

Urban Barbarian said...

Lunch drawing?!?!? Wow, most people are burnt out by then! Way to go!

C. Bennett said...

Love the old man, not that the others aren't grear, Just the old mad is that cool.

Mark said...

ey man :)...good sketches :) These kids remind me of Jack Davis and Norman Rockwell...

dodo said...

The kids' expressions are great, but my favorite is the old guy! The grin on his face!!!

Jarrett said...

hey man, lovin' that Wonder Woman and the kids. You have alot of appeal to your work. Awesome stuff.

Sam Nielson said...

Great Wonder Woman.

S.T. Lewis said...

Wonder Woman's hot... and also in your drawings. You have the best blog on the whole internet... so frequently updated... so amazingly well drawn... and the relaxing musical score (even though that's probably only on my computer right now... it's still very nice). Nice work, Mel.

Checkmark said...

That Wonder Woman is great! I really like how you did that one.

Jason said...

Dude, love them kid studies. They've got such personality and life. Keep it up!

Ken said...

Love all of these, esp the kid drawings! cool characters :D

steininger said...

On the last page, the top right kid is incredible. I feel like I know that kid just looking at that sketch. Amazing. Just found your blog and I am incredibly impressed. What do you eat for lunch?

afroman said...

wow, looking at all these posts it seems like I've been gone for a while!

Awesome stuff man!

Andre Barnwell said...

HeyThanks for the stop by and the comment. Your kids are tight as your line work. Im still a bit sketchy with mine but I appreciate yours. I gues its just a

Robin said...

man those are great, I love seeing your skeches, the kids are really cute!

Adrian Ropp said...

That Wonder Women kicks it old school! I've been lax on keeping up with the blogs lately, but this is great. Always something wonderful to inspire and challenge me when I come here!

Cedricstudio said...

Nice sketches. Love the kids!