Monday, August 28, 2006

SGT Rock

Gonna try and color em this week:


Dave Johnson said...

Great work, Mel! I too like all three, but feel the middle one is my favorite. I'd like to see him with some color slapped on.

Ryan Bullard said...

Nice stuff! The guy in the middle is awesome!

Unknown said...

AWESOME designs!!

Chad H. said...

I like 'em all, but the 3rd one is fun.

j. scott said...

While I really dig what's going on here, I absolutely LOVE this Rock, especially the second (head shot)!!

And thank you very the kind words over at my blog, my friend!

And there you go.

j. scott said...

Um...that should've said "thank you very much for the kind words..."

Infernal wireless keyboard!

milo said...

Is there anything you can't draw? Man your amazing! Everytime I look at your blog you get better!! You make me sick!!;O)heehee

Dillon Thompson said...

I see you have been playing Battlefield...Or mabie I have been playing Battlefield?

Joe said...

These are awesome. Love em all.

S.T. Lewis said...

Oh, wow... these designs are great! Not that I'm surprised... it is YOU, after all. These are really strong designs... good stuff.