Monday, September 11, 2006


Edit: Viking numero dos:

Drawer geeks topic: Viking

Busy week this week.Hope to get some color on him one day...


Cameron said...

Sweet -- can't wait to see the colors.

sarah said...

Awesome! I kind of like it with just the flames coloured.... :)

Seo Kim said...

Hey Mel, you always give me compliments I don't deserve!! I'm still learning, and I can't even do the stuff you do... but thanks! this is an awwweeesome viking!

Ryan said...

Lookin sweet! At first I thought it was Thor, then I saw that he had an axe, not a hammer.

Unknown said...


milo said...

Awesome work as usual.....arrghhhhh!!! You make me sick! :O) Great work bro!

Brandon said...

great energy!

Chris Gardner said...

These Vikings are killer! You've inspired me to draw one. I love the stance on the one with the flames. The Ronalds are great too. Real nice blog, I'll be popping in to see what's new.

Ken said...

wow wow wow! as ever amazing artwork man :D cool poses, cool details. just plain coooooooool

S.T. Lewis said...

Great, Mel! As always... really strong poses. Your gesturing and weight and motion are... grand? I can't even think of a word to describe them. "Grand" isn't enough. It's also a word I haven't said in years probably. I love the one just standing there. I like knowing that guy who's about to beat my head in is relaxed. The costuming and props are also cool. Such great designs!

Joe said...

Excellent, great designs big guy.

William Bradford said...

Nice wikings. Love the top one with the wine-bottle shape

Unknown said...

I'm really liking how you put a colored shape behind your drawings, it really makes them pop, and gives just enough sence of environment! Good stuffs!

Miras said...

Absolutely awesome. I say no more.

Anonymous said...

These are amazing man!