Plastic Animation Paper
And some expression test for Dino. I feel that time is goin by too quickly and will pretty much go with this guys so I can move on to stitchin and animatic together. Im in trouble....

Will surely help me out!! Didnt have the strenth to test it out tonite so I doodled some dino concepts.. none that float my boat as of yet :( and a randlom pickle tail..just to start the nite off right:

I really appreciated the birth day wishes all rock!
Happy Birthday... a little late. More great designs, Mel. I love the one on the top left... something about the jagged jaw is very appealing... probably that he doesn't have to floss.
That's the stuff Mel! That top dude is pretty cool. And yeah, shamefully, I didn't say happy birthday last post, happy birthday!
Haapee berfday! Lovin the dinos!! I wanna model and animate them (that's the sign of a good design). Heh. You need a light table too, to go with that peg bar of yours, a spinning one if you have the means.This is a good place
G'luck sir!
Awesome work bro! What's a peg bar? Is that to hold pics in place.....just curious. Anyways, I can't wait to see what dino u come up with!(how about a doofy lookin a dumb playful dog?) :OP
Yup, top left has loads of appeal. They're all great, but that one is at the next level.
Sweet! Facial expressions for my favorite of the designs! I already mentioned I love the character... the expressions are equally great. You just crank out the character designs. Amazing, Mel.
Nice stuff man!
Cool dino expressions ! :D
great works as always Mel
Awesome characters drawing as always! Great expressions! Happy B-day! :)
Happy Birthday and great work like every day jejjeje
Peg bars and animation hole punches are hard to find, and cost an arm and a leg. Nice work Mel! Oh, Happly belated B-DAY!
Really enjoying your dino sketches.
great stugg man. . .i really dig your style!
Wooow, haven't checked back in a draw a lot! Nice dragons Mel :)
SICK character designs. I wanna see them coloured. sorry if that sounds like a demand but i cant wait to see them coloured. LOL.
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