Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I know I know.....


milo said...

Awesome work bro!! Way to make up for not posting for awhile!hehe ;OP Great stuff!

Ryan said...

Good stuff, dude.

Joe said...

Absolutely love em.

Unknown said...

another round of amazing stuff man!

S.T. Lewis said...

Wow, Mel - just great sketches all around! The 4-armed monster is excellent... I love his pose and his attire. The face on the mom at the top and shape of her body are hilarious. The running guy... amazing. And so on. Inspiring work, man. I'm a fan, as always.

Peter VINCENT said...

Once more your stuff is flawless. Real inspiring.

BTW: Thanks for stopping by my blog.


Jason said...

Sup? I'm diggin' the dude with his dog and the dude with the martini. Both are kinda just standin' there, but they have such character! Well done. By the way, I think that's what I look like in shorts these days. Darn holiday weight!

Skid Knee said...

Ah! I love that monster!

Dan Elder said...

these are coolio

C. Bennett said...

the last three are my favs, the baseball player has a nice shape while staying very 3-d(I can picture him moving) but I always love monsters, and that 3arm guy rocks.

Unknown said...

AWESOME character drawings!!

Ryan Bullard said...

Wow these are a lot of fun! I've been away for a while, and you've had a ton of great posts! Thanks for stopping by blog!

Dan Segarra said...

Good luck on the short Mr. Melvin. Nice sketches, and that animation a few posts down is sweet man!

See you in a few months when you come up for air. ;P

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Killa work Man and all the best this year keep killin them with it!!!

Martin Wittig said...

Mel....Brilliant work! Man ya just keep pumping these out!!!:)

Urban Barbarian said...

What I like about these is the diversity! You nailed each style! great stuff!

Unknown said...

Incredible sketches! Good characters, strong poses. WOW!

Adrian Ropp said...

I have to say my favorite is the running man, but these are all great, as usual!

Take care, Adrian

james ramos said...

sweet stuff man.

Mark Behm said...

man, these are great. That top one with the mom and kids made me laugh.