Friday, March 01, 2013

End of the week postin

So to keep me on my bloggin toes Louis Phillipe St Laurent  has offered to post up every tuesday in trade that I post every " friday". ( Was gonna make it thursdays but already missed that by 46 minutes.)

Seems fair enough. So heres my first "make it a habit" friday post.

Keep on keepin on!


Norman Hundert said...

Thats really cool! äh.. what kind of filter you put on her face?!? It looks so.. 3d like ...or unsharp..or what is it?? Did you draw it in Photoshop?

pibby said...

Excellent work! Love those gestures

Unknown said...

@ Norman
I kept most of my detail in the face and used a mix of air brush ( for some of the dark and light spots ) and a feather selection blur on the outside to tighten in on the face detail.

and used the lens correction filter and offset shifted all the colors to give that hint of color, halo effect. Yes completely done in photoshop from reference.

hope that made sense..Thanks for the comment and stoppin by !

@ Robert
Thank you sir! I have the most fun with gesture stuff