Saturday, May 14, 2011

Know what you want.

Okay. I'm giving you fair warning. This is about to be long winded and it has no sketches. This is basically for me, as Ive been battling alot with myself lately. ( If you couldn't tell from the dialogue I would have in previous posts. )

I thought I would share it with whoever would want to listen. So, you can check out now and wait for the next sketch post, or continue at your own risk.

-- Rambling

So, Ive had quite a few people lately approach me, asking me how they could get into a career field they loved. A creative one to be more exact. I'm always surprised people would even ask me, as I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants, and that I am knee deep trying to figure stuff out for myself.

For me, I knew I was gonna be an animator. I don't know why, I just knew. When I met my wife was when I actually started doing something about it... When I actually WANTED to be an animator.

Now before I go any further, I'm gonna define some things. This isn't to point people out, or that I think most people don't want it as bad as I did. This is the opinion and advice that I hand out. In sharing this, I realized I need to dole this out to myself.

Sooooooo, I'm gonna direct this next bit to a dilemma I'm currently having ( not career related ).

Before my daughter was born, I was so stressed about the pregnancy, and that something bad was gonna happen, that I lost 30 lbs. It been a while since Id been that light. After she was born I PACKED on that 30 lbs and some "bonus" weight to boot.

I would say all the time " I really want to lose this weight." I'm gonna work out and get back to being svelte.... It was nice not carrying all that extra weight, so of course I would want to be that again. ( This is where the story becomes relevant. Promise. )

A few months later, I was still packing on weight . Depression started kicking in as well. Apparently, I really DIDN'T WANT to lose the weight. I continued to do things that went against that whole concept. ( I do this in many more areas in my life, but this one was the simplest to tell.) I started beating myself up constantly. I felt like I was lying to myself. Thus the depression.

I would say things like " I don't have time to cook healthier" or " I cant expect my wife to cook because she works full time too. So fast food , energy drinks and junk food are my only options..."

Now lets turn this conversation to a career one. A sort of mad lib and see if it resonates .

"I really want to be a / an ( insert career interest here ) . The only problem is I need to make as much money as I do now. I'm not smart enough or going back to school is not an option for me. Theres too much competition. I will never be good enough to do it professionally." Etc....

All those things might as well be true if they keep you from doing something towards your goal. If thats your thinking, the only thing NOT true in that sentence is the "WANTING".

Here's the good news though. You have a choice.

I'm finding for myself, that if I would like to evaluate how much I want something, I just need to look at my actions towards that goal. ( In the case of my eating habits ; I was doing NOTHING or doing the opposite of what I should be doing rather. )

I started my career in games making 5 dollars an hour. After eight years in, I still make less than I did when I was a web designer. I know I WANT this because I'm always doing something to improve. No matter how slight. And my mind set is more " I have to do this." There is no other option. ( Not to say that I don't stress out that I'm not good enough, as I feel the more I learn, the more areas I need to improve...)

With my daughter now here, I found myself spending more time in the details, second guessing myself. Wondering how I'm gonna juggle it all. I spend alot of time wanting to BE more, but not knowing what that means. This keeps me from doing anything. Which brings me back to the "doing". Something that I have forgotten along the way, and just relearned from people asking me what it takes.

1.) Make the decision.
2.) Be "willing" to do the dirt
3.) Take action

"Do" until you get there. The alternative is not "do" ,and that means you really don't want it like you thought you did. ( Crap why didnt this make sense to me when I originally saw star wars...damn you yoda...)

Again, the main purpose of this is mainly to remind myself of what Ive forgotten and get back to that place I once was. Enjoying the learning and to not be afraid to dream. That , sure , I don't have to do anything, but if I want something I need to take action. I may not do it perfectly, but every time I do something it gets me one step closer to what I want. The rest will work itself out.

I dont mean to sound preachy. I guess typing it out helps solidify this idea to me. My little brother lives this way. He doesnt have a "studio" gig. He works a job that doesnt make him happy. He stresses about the family stuff,and has been lookin to get his foot in the door for a couple years now. Back in the day I would've bet he wouldve given up by now. He complains a bunch but hes still "does", and I couldnt be more proud. That to me is really showing the "want".

So to those who want to be something, nows the time to move into phase two : DO.

And to myself : remember to be something and move into phase 2.

If you read that whole thing wow...

If you read that whole thing and it helped a bit, then one of the many things that Ive been wanting to do Ive accomplished and I thank you for letting me share.

Keep on keepin on


Tyson Murphy said...

A week into a new job, in a new state, all on our own, learning the family/work all resonates with me, Mel!

including (maybe especially?) gaining/losing weight.

We measure our passion through our actions....Thanks a lot Mel, I needed to hear all this. :)

Olivier Ladeuix said...

hey Mel, I agree completely with your post. I love the Yoda bit ;-)

Andy Latham said...

Hey Mel, that speech has come at a very good time for me. I think my mental state has been following yours a bit and I'm just emerging from a depressive period. Your words have given me some inspiration to keep on emerging and pushing forward.

Thank you :)

Unknown said...

From a woman's perspective, you have completely hit it on the nose for me. Thank you SO much. I'm a faithful reader, and it's nice to hear from you in this way. As you always say, keep on keepin' on! :)

Darnell said...

Wise words Mel! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Hey! Read your post twice. Loved it. Made me stop and think. Like... Really think.

I'm gonna keep your words in mind.

Thanks A LOT for writing that post.

Aaron Ludwig said...

Great insight, Mel. Thanks so much for sharing.

matthewART said...

Indeed you are as wise as you are powerful. I hats off to you sir!

laurenetay said...

I read this post yesterday, and I have to say, it's been on my mind ever since. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's a good kick in the rear for everyone.

Unknown said...

I just remembered. Reading your post made me think of this quote (attributed to Goethe by some).

          Then indecision brings its own delays,
          And days are lost lamenting over lost days.
          Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
          What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it;
          Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Ricardo Vicens said...

Great post. Definitely feel where you are coming from. Thanks for sharing.

Richard Gaines said...

Definitely couldn't agree with you more! I have been going through a lot of emotional turmoil and paranoid that my work is not good enough and that everyone is better than me, blah-blah-blah.

I know there is a lot to do and catch up to, but I'm still hanging in there, taking the proper classes and doing a bit of freelance. It's just positive affirmation and not willing to think about how much money we can make at this.

Thanks so much for the tip, Mel!

vonholdt said...

thanks Mel, not preachy at all, just the honest truth, which we often neglect to hear.

Corey said...

Mel this brings me back to the ole days.

For my kids i went like this:
#1 - 250lbs
#2 - 180lbs
#3 - 240lbs

I couldn't agree more. time to actually DO. Let me know if you need anyone to kick you in gear.

Chrissie A said...

Ahhh, Mel...I've been away for a LONG time and am just catching up on things, including your blog. This is a wonderful post--and it's just what I needed to hear today!

I'm saving the whole thing to re-read when necessary. :)

You inspire me, plain and simple.

xenos said...

this post reminds me of a quote by ira glass. you can read it here:

its the first one and it spoke volumes to me. i think you will dig it mel...

Tyree said...

Very inspiring my friend. And it makes sense. Thanks for sharing.

Tyree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cef said...


Cord Nielson said...

Great post, Mel. It really inspired me. I'll keep on "doing." Oh, and cheers from Lehi. For some reason it inspires me a lot to see such talent that lives so close to me. Maybe we'll run into eachother sometime.

Said Omar Eshaq said...

great post, that's something you have to remind yourself all the time :)