Anyhow, I thought I would post some stuff so I could prove it to myself that I can continue doin it and will always shoot to better myself in his honor. The first is the blind sister witches from Clash of the Titans ( stylized of course ) and like I said earlier that I was gonna model and rig and animate that joker...heres the blocking. Thanks all for being so supportive. My heart goes out to each and everyone of you who have made it a point to comfort me and I hope to one day thank you all individually.
With that said peace and love and thank you all fpr your kindness.

and the blockin:
Been waitin for you!!! Great stuff!! Hopefully I'll get as good as you! Keep 'em comin and hang in there
Cool illustration condolences go out to you as well.
Wow, unbelievable artwork!! And a local artist as well! I live in Pleasant Grove myself... I don't know the story about your son, but it was already breakin' my heart to read your posts and see the pictures. Hang tough man, and keep on inspiring people with that awe inspiring artwork!!!
Looks great G keep pushing forward I know time fly's right hope u and the fam is kool like the breeze peace
Hey Mel, just checking in. I really miss you at AM. The classes have changed quite a bit and I can't believe we are already 1/2 way through this quarter. I think about you a lot and just wish you and your wife a lot of love and patience. Hang in there. It is great to see that you are starting to be creative again. Take your time and be good to yourselves. Peace.
I'm sorry to hear about your son. Ny thoughts are with you. Your art, attitude and sharing is an inspiration to all.
Hang in there.
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