Rough day today. My buddy
Lael was nice enough to lay down some of his painterly loveliness to my witches, so Im a postin it! Feelin badly that I havent posted anything ( and need to get back to it before I go back to school )I thought I would post some doo doo from work, a poster I did for the silent hill poster contest, and where I am with my joker model ( Im no modeler by any means). Workin a lil more on his head and hopefully I will have him rigged and animatable some time soon.

great stuff! I see you got Lael to post too. heehee Anyways, keep the posts comin, 'cause I'm waiting for 'em everyday! I can't wait for the next one! You should be gettin a package this Weds. I hope you like it! Anyways .....peace and chicken grease!
Hello Mel, just found your blog through a comment, very nice work, especially under the circumstances of such great personal tragedy. How you have been able to keep it together and continue your studies and keep working is amazing. My condolensces here's wishing you and your family continued strength.
AWESOME collection of artworks! Great model too!!
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